"Training Data" Optimized for Generative AI Services
"Real-Time Data" Updated Daily, Tailored for Your Services
Connecting Data Pipeline Contact RDPLINE now
"Training Data" Optimized for Generative AI Services "Real-Time Data" Updated Daily, Tailored for Your Services
3,000 |
1,000 |
200,000 |
700M |
Legal Data Purchasing and Selling
:Solved with RDPLINE
Datasets are assets created with significant time, money, and effort by their producers. Due to the effort and creativity involved in their creation, datasets are subject to copyright protection.
Using them indiscriminately constitutes a violation of research ethics. RDPLINE is a supply platform that facilitates the legal distribution of datasets.
RDPLINE is a data supply platform operated by BECUAI, which provides high-quality news big data optimized through Korea’s largest "Media Big Data & Real-Time Data Pipeline."
RDPLINE is a tech-based multi-content provider that offers not only high-value informative data across various fields such as news, media, law, academic papers, and economic/business information but also optimizes diverse data for rapid and flexible application in generative AI services.
Use Case: API-Based Provision
Providing real-time news data from selected media through an API
Based on the AI Root platform, which has been operating for 20 years and specializes in AI-driven real-time data auto-labeling and refinement technology, we provide high-quality raw data as well as labeled data for specific purposes. Additionally, real-time data generated daily is available through an API.
High-quality raw data
held by RDPLINE Alliance members.
Data labeled and processed in the optimal format according to your specific needs.
Daily-generated real-time data (such as news) available for use in your services.
RDPLINE Alliance's Representative Data
Data Available for Purchase
Data Copyright Issue Cases
Resolve legal data distribution and supply with RDPLINE
BECUAI Alliance
Partners Collaborating with BECUAI
Datasets are assets created with significant time, money, and effort by their producers. Due to the effort and creativity involved in their creation, datasets are subject to copyright protection.
Using them indiscriminately constitutes a violation of research ethics. RDPLINE is a supply platform that facilitates the legal distribution of datasets.
High-quality raw data
held by RDPLINE Alliance members.
Data labeled and processed in the optimal format according to your specific needs.
Daily-generated real-time data (such as news) available for use in your services
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원문링크 바로가기 : https://www.donga.com/news/It/article/all/20230822/120805726/2
생성형 인공지능(AI) 서비스 출시가 잇따르면서 데이터 무단수집을 둘러싼 저작권 갈등이 본격화하고 있다. AI가 저작물을 동의 없이 썼다며 작가 등의 손해배상 소송이 해외에서 잇따르는 가운데 챗GPT의 정보 수집을 차단하는 사이트가 늘고 있다. 27일(현지시간) AI 콘텐츠 정보 제공업체인 오리지널리티 AI에 따르면 지난 22일 기준 세계에서 인기 있는 사이트 1000개 중 챗GPT의 정보수집 도구인 ‘GPT봇’을 차단한 사이트가 9.2%로 늘어난 것으로 집계...
원문 링크 바로가기 : https://www.khan.co.kr/economy/economy-general/article/202308281610001
사람처럼 묻고 답하는 생성 인공지능(AI) 챗GPT가 미국 뉴스 통신사 AP통신의 뉴스를 학습한다. 챗GPT 개발사 오픈AI와 AP통신은 13일(현지시간) 뉴스 기사 사용 등에 관한 라이선스 계약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이번 계약으로 오픈AI는 1985년부터 AP 뉴스의 콘텐츠를 챗GPT 학습에 이용할 수 있고, AP는 자사 서비스에 오픈AI의 AI 기술을 활용할 수 있게 될 전망...
원문링크 바로가기: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20230714053200091